Australia Supplies Uranium in Support of India-Pakistan Nuclear Arms Race


‘The India-Australia uranium deal, whereby Australia agrees to sell uranium to India in spite of India’s not being a signatory of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, and in spite of the fact that a vigorous nuclear arms race is in progress on the subcontinent, beggars belief for anyone who has been involved for decades as I have, in questions of nuclear nonproliferation, disarmament, and nuclear safety.

A vigorous nuclear arms race is taking place right now on the Indian subcontinent between India and Pakistan, with Pakistan now having some 130 nuclear warheads, and India not far behind with between 110 and 120.

Pakistan has deployed short-range, war-fighting ‘mini nukes’ to repel Indian tank attacks. India has said that their use will lead to full-scale nuclear war.’

Read more: Australia Supplies Uranium in Support of India-Pakistan Nuclear Arms Race

The post Australia Supplies Uranium in Support of India-Pakistan Nuclear Arms Race appeared first on David Icke.

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