‘Why is it so important to the US that Britain renew its nuclear weapons of mass destruction? The main purpose of Trident, writes Oliver Tickell, is to allow the UK to join American nuclear attacks, adding ‘legitimacy’ to them and so lowering the threshold for nuclear war – even if it guarantees our own destruction. […]

The post Trident – the UK’s Route to Nuclear Annihilation? appeared first on David Icke.

‘Saudi Arabia already has nukes, Iran probably does, and the Russians are one of the two great nuclear powers on the entire planet. So if Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their Sunni allies do decide to conduct a full-blown ground invasion of Syria, could someone ultimately decide to use nuclear weapons when their backs get pushed […]

The post World War Three Could Very Easily Turn Into The Very First Nuclear War In The Middle East appeared first on David Icke.

‘The cost of renewing Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons program has jumped by 20 percent, according to the government’s Strategic Defense and Security Review (SDSR) unveiled in parliament on Monday afternoon. Replacing Britain’s nuclear missiles system was estimated to cost £25 billion nine years ago, but that figure has been revised up to £31 billion, plus […]

The post Cameron admits renewing Trident nuclear weapons will cost extra £6 billion appeared first on David Icke.

‘The India-Australia uranium deal, whereby Australia agrees to sell uranium to India in spite of India’s not being a signatory of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, and in spite of the fact that a vigorous nuclear arms race is in progress on the subcontinent, beggars belief for anyone who has been involved for decades as I […]

The post Australia Supplies Uranium in Support of India-Pakistan Nuclear Arms Race appeared first on David Icke.

‘Imagine for a moment a genuine absurdity: somewhere in the United States, the highly profitable operations of a set of corporations were based on the possibility that sooner or later your neighborhood would be destroyed and you and all your neighbors annihilated. And not just you and your neighbors, but others and their neighbors across […]

The post Privatizing the Apocalypse: How Nuclear Weapons Companies Gobble Up Your Tax Dollars appeared first on David Icke.

‘Aliens came to Earth to stop a nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union at the start of the Cold War, according to the sixth man to walk the surface of the moon. Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, says peace-loving aliens visited our planet during weapons tests […]

The post ‘Aliens prevented nuclear war on Earth’: Former NASA astronaut makes unexpected claim appeared first on David Icke.

Of all the commentary written about Netanyahu’s embarrassing political stunt in front of the U.S. Congress last week, the most important angle was largely overlooked. That is, it sort of represented a coming out party for the American oligarch from behind the

“Global System Catastrophe” Is Key Threat To Human Civilization  – Oxford Scientists Cite “Global System Catastrophe” Among 12 Plausible Threats To Civilization – “Global System Catastrophe” More Of A Possibility Than Most Western People Suspect – Study Described As A

“Global System Catastrophe” Is Key Threat To Human Civilization  – Oxford Scientists Cite “Global System Catastrophe” Among 12 Plausible Threats To Civilization – “Global System Catastrophe” More Of A Possibility Than Most Western People Suspect – Study Described As A

“Global System Catastrophe” Is Key Threat To Human Civilization  – Oxford Scientists Cite “Global System Catastrophe” Among 12 Plausible Threats To Civilization – “Global System Catastrophe” More Of A Possibility Than Most Western People Suspect – Study Described As A