Labour hierarchy distraught over American-Israeli Peled’s freedom of speech remarks

A ‘Free speech on Israel: why we oppose the witch hunt’ fringe meeting at the Labour Party Conference sends Corbyn and Watson into knicker-twisting damage limitation.

Miko Peled was born in Jerusalem into a major Zionist family, but has been a vehement critic of Zionism and it’s Israeli regime.
He will be interviewed live on the Richie Allen Show tonight.
‘Labour faces fresh claims of anti-semitism after a speaker at a party conference fringe event said freedom of speech should cover Holocaust denial.
Israeli-American author Miko Peled said members should support the freedom to “discuss every issue, whether it’s the holocaust, yes or no, whether it’s Palestine liberation – the entire spectrum.
“There should be no limits on the discussion.”
He said freedom of speech should protect the right to ask “Holocaust: Yes or no?”
At the same meeting, activists cheered as a speaker called for Jewish and pro-Israel groups to be expelled from the party.’
Read more: Labour hierarchy distraught over American-Israeli Peled’s freedom of speech remarks

The Breitbart, Steve Bannon (Trump) take on the story – Vile Anti-Semitic Rants as Labour Activists Call for Expulsion of Jewish Groups
Read here …

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