It’s Still the Brits

Video of It's Still the Brits

The counter-coup will not succeed in freeing the U.S. from Russiagate until those running the counter-coup identify the leading role played by the top levels of the City of London financial networks and the U.K. intelligence establishment as the continuing enemy of a sovereign USA. It’s not the people of the UK, but the parasitical monarchy and its structures which are still trying to run the world, using “British brains” and “American brawn.” This is the true “Evil Empire” which must be defeated.

You Can’t “Reopen” an Economy That Doesn’t Exists. Time to Launch a New One!

Video of You Can't "Reopen" an Economy That Doesn't Exists. Time to Launch a New One!

With all the chatter in the U.S. about “reopening the economy”, it seems no one asked, “What economy?” Perhaps with the confluence of crises — an escalating danger of war with China, the Coronavirus pandemic, and the threat of famine, to name a few — no one noticed that the post-industrial neoliberal economy is undergoing an accelerating systemic collapse.

Don’t Just ‘Re-Open’ the Economy — Why the World Needs 1.5 Billion Productive Jobs

Video of Don't Just 'Re-Open' the Economy — Why the World Needs 1.5 Billion Productive Jobs

Join us LIVE at 2pm EDT for our National Town Hall Meeting. Daniel Burke, LaRouche Independent for US Senate, NJ,and Diane Sare, candidate for US Senate, NY 2022, lead a discussion on the principles citizens and leaders around the world must introduce to society to address reality: you can’t re-open an economy that doesn’t exist! The warnings of Lyndon LaRouche about the British Empire’s intent to depopulate the planet with their degenerate, financial monetarist system are clear as day now. This is the moment to end their system and replace it with an economy supporting every human on this planet and beyond.

Build a global health system now! LaRouche’s ‘Apollo Mission’ to Defeat the Global Pandemic

Video of Build a global health system now! LaRouche's 'Apollo Mission' to Defeat the Global Pandemic

Dennis Small and Jason Ross present the absolutely necessary program to end the pandemic. Read their report at