‘Last week, peace activists Brian Terrell and Kathy Kelly were arrested as they attempted to deliver a load of bread and a letter to drone operators working at Volk Field, an air base where drones are launched. On behalf of a group called Creative Nonviolence, Terrell and Kelly were hoping to deliver their peace offering […]

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‘Two activists in clown costumes have disrupted a meeting of the German anti-migrant party Alternative for Germany (AfD) by throwing a cake into the face of Beatrix von Storch, one of the party’s leaders and a European Parliament member. The men approached von Storch while she was presiding over a closed-door AfD party meeting held […]

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‘Calls have stepped up on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) member states to stop selling deadly weapons to Saudi Arabia as the kingdom is using foreign arms to target civilians in Yemen. The Control Arms Coalition said in a report on Friday that 11 countries, all of them state parties or signatories to […]

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‘Two Black Lives Matter activists interrupted a private Hillary Clinton fundraising event Wednesday night in Charleston, South Carolina. Youth activist Ashley Williams protested Clinton, demanding that the Democratic presidential candidate account for inconsistencies on her record on race, specifically around her comments made about crime in 1996. Williams and her colleague, whom she did not […]

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‘Agri-giant Monsanto continues to lose the public affairs battle with the people of the world who, by the hundreds of millions, are catching on to the dangers of genetically modified foods. For more than three years now, protestors in Malvinas, Argentina have blocked the construction of what would become Monsanto’s second-largest seed plant in Latin […]

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‘A meeting of Jeremy Hunt, Conservative activists and junior doctors was never likely to feature cordial conversation over drinks and canapés, scheduled as it was during the fiercest NHS pay and conditions dispute in years. But when an event on Friday at a hotel in Fareham, Hampshire, was said by local Tories to have been […]

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‘Many of us saw it coming a long time ago — increasing confrontation between liberty proponents and the corrupt federal establishment leading to increasing calls by political elites and bureaucrats to apply to American citizens the terrorism countermeasures designed for foreign combatants. It was only a matter of time and timing. My stance has always […]

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‘A group of prominent intellectuals and activists is defying France’s crackdown on the Palestine solidarity movement by publicly calling for the boycott of Israeli goods. This comes just as the French prime minister has announced that his government plans to intensify its restrictions on free speech targeting the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. “This […]

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‘The Texas activist group Don’t Comply was making waves again this week after they were ejected from a bioterrorism drill for filming. Members of Don’t Comply signed up to be “crisis actors” in a mock government drill, which is said to train police and emergency crews for an actual attack. Don’t Comply members Matthew Short, […]

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‘Demonstrators in Bahrain have taken to the streets across the Persian Gulf Arab country after a court sentenced 22 people to life in prison and another to death over anti-regime rallies. Protesters staged a rally on the island of Sitra southeast of the capital, Manama, Friday and called for political reforms as well as freedom […]

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‘A court in Bahrain has handed down a death sentence to one activist and life imprisonments to 22 others in the latest instance of the regime’s intensifying crackdown on dissent and members of civil society. Bahrain’s Higher Criminal Court convicted the 23 Shias on Thursday in connection with the death of a policeman last year. […]

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‘Whenever Palestinians stand up for their rights in Jerusalem, it is a safe bet that Samer Abu Eisheh will be there. It is hard to imagine a protest near the Damascus Gate — an entrance to the Old City — without his bellowing voice. It is the 28-year-old’s relentless activism that could sunder him from […]

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‘At least 24 climate activists have been put under house arrest by French police, accused of flouting a ban on organising protests during next week’s Paris climate summit, the Guardian has learned. One legal adviser to the activists said many officers raided his Paris apartment and occupied three floors and a staircase in his block. […]

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