‘The Israeli Knesset is one step closer to approving a bill prohibiting activists in the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) from entering the country. The move comes the same day as the European Parliament passed a measure requiring all products produced in the occupied territories to be labeled, which could help the BDS movement. […]

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‘On Friday, a drone-like device dropped fliers over a key NSA intelligence facility that advised employees to quit their jobs on ethical grounds. The effort is the most recent attempt by privacy advocates to chip away at the power of the surveillance state using direct action campaigns. Peng!, a tactical media and activist group, used […]

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‘In the ever-expanding police state that America has become, even following the rules can get you in trouble with the law. Now, apparently, only the government can help poor people, because that contributes to dependency. As reported by the San Antonio Express-News, a local woman whose charitable activities include feeding the poor, and who has […]

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‘Freedom in America is being systematically destroyed: one police state law at a time – with most people ignorant and/or indifferent about what happening. Washington’s criminal class is bipartisan – in lockstep against government representing everyone equitably and fairly, serving privileged interests only. S. Res. 1705: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 compromises free […]

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‘A counter-terrorism presentation to nursery, primary school teachers listed Occupy London activists as well as climate groups as threats to safety. ​Anti-capitalist protesters from the group Occupy London were named alongside al-Qaida and the Irish Republican Army (IRA) as potential terrorist attackers in the UK in a presentation given by London Police. British newspaper the […]

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‘Israeli activists have volunteered to sleep in the West Bank village of Khirbet Susiya, fearing the Israeli army may carry out a threat to demolish it. The village’s battle for survival is also being backed by the UK and US governments which view it as a test case of Palestinian ability to stay on occupied […]

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‘Israel has deported two top political figures who had taken part in a flotilla defying the Zionist regime’s blockade of Gaza Strip. Tunisian ex-president Moncef Marzouki and European parliament member Ana Miranda were deported from the occupied territories on Monday. “The (former) president of Tunisia and the Spanish lawmaker flew this morning. There are another […]

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‘Bulgarian committee of civil society activists sign a petition against the decision of Washington to deploy heavy weapons on the Bulgarian territory in US move to expand its military force in Eastern Europe. The Initiative Committee of Bulgaria which consists of lawyers, media representatives and civil society activists, organized a national civil initiative against the […]

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‘Climate activists are targeting children through a new range of ‘cli-fi’ – climate fiction – novels which seek to highlight the dangers of global warming. David Thorpe, author of the book Stormteller, said that children […]

‘Have you ever seen a post, comment, or reply that absolutely reeked of behind-the-scenes compensation by corporations like Monsanto? In the growing age of internet activism, and the expansion of social media as a tool […]

‘The bailiffs didn’t stand a chance. By the time they arrived to turf cancer patient Tom Crawford out of his home yesterday a crowd of some 500 had gathered to block their way. For a […]