In the past, China resisted U.S. saber-rattling against North Korea. Now China is threatening North Korea with military action. What’s going on? Why the sudden convergence of U.S.-China threats of military force against North Korea? China Threatens To Bomb North

‘The Pentagon has revealed that the United States had held nuclear weapons on Okinawa, Japan during the Cold War. According to a Department of Defense website, the Pentagon has declassified “the fact that US nuclear weapons were deployed on Okinawa prior to Okinawa’s reversion to Japan on May 15, 1972.” The National Security Archive at […]

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‘On February 1 the New York Times ran a front page story by two of their journalists confirming the intentions of the United States to increase its occupation of and military presence in Europe particularly the east. Under the title “U.S. Fortifying Europe’s East to Deter Putin” the story sets out just one in a […]

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‘NYT editors mock credible journalism, proliferating the Big Lie about nonexistent “Russian aggression,” posing the greatest threat to US security. “It is undeniable that Russia has become openly aggressive under President Vladimir Putin, who has violated sovereign borders by annexing Crimea and stoking civil war in Ukraine,” they ranted. “A cease-fire in Ukraine was declared […]

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‘A newly released Cold War-era list of nuclear targets shows the US planned to inflict “systematic destruction” on enemy cities and target the “population” of those areas. It is the most comprehensive Cold War nuclear target list to become declassified. The Strategic Air Command (SAC) Atomic Weapons Requirements Study for 1959, produced in June 1956, […]

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‘Senior British army officials urged NATO authorities to “revisit Cold War scenarios” and prepare for full-scale war in the wake of Russian achievements in the fight against ISIL militants in Syria and development of cutting-edge T-14 Armata battle tanks. As the United States continues to promote fears of “Russian aggression,” the Pentagon has called for […]

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‘Stephen Harper has been changing our collective self-image. He has emphasized the martial, rather than the peace-making episodes, in our history, and had a war memorial replace art and literary images on the ubiquitous 20-dollar bill. Now his government wants to leave an even more durable trace of its rule: a “monument to the victims […]

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‘Aliens came to Earth to stop a nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union at the start of the Cold War, according to the sixth man to walk the surface of the moon. Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, says peace-loving aliens visited our planet during weapons tests […]

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‘Secret biological warfare tests were carried out on Tube passengers by the British government during the Cold War to a greater extent than previously thought,according to new research. Hundreds of thousands of Britons were subjected to ‘mock’ biological and chemical warfare attacks in more than 750 secret operations, with 4,600kg of chemical zinc cadmium sulphide […]

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‘The United States, wading into the international efforts to shape Greece’s economic and geopolitical orientation, is pushing the leftist government in Athens to resist Russia’s energy overtures. A State Department envoy in Athens urged Greece […]