Bitcoin “Total Crypto Breakdown” Highlights Risks To Digital Wealth – Bitcoin wallet app Blockchain suffers major security blunder – Poor tech sees multiple accounts being created using same address – Security lapses in electronic and digital currencies not uncommon –

Bail-Ins Coming – EU Gives Countries Two Months To Adopt Rules – 11 countries face legal action if bail-in rules are not enacted within two months – Bail-in legislation aims at removing state responsibility when banks collapse – Rules place

Greece Government Favours Drachma – Vows Will Not “Bow to Blackmail” – Merkel, Hollande, Juncker, Lagarde and Draghi in “emergency” meeting re Greece – Bankrupt Greece must find €1.6 billion to pay IMF in June – First instalment of €300

Gold Capped As Soros Warns On “Threshold Of A Third World War” – War “inevitable” if U.S. meddles in South China Sea – Global Times – Senior NATO official warns that “we’ll probably be at war this summer” – Soros

Gold Capped As Soros Warns On “Threshold Of A Third World War” – War “inevitable” if U.S. meddles in South China Sea – Global Times – Senior NATO official warns that “we’ll probably be at war this summer” – Soros

Gold Capped As Soros Warns On “Threshold Of A Third World War” – War “inevitable” if U.S. meddles in South China Sea – Global Times – Senior NATO official warns that “we’ll probably be at war this summer” – Soros

Gold Is “100% Guarantee from Legal and Political Risks” – Russia – Gold is “100% guarantee from legal and political risks” – Russia’s central bank buys another 300,000 ounces in April – Russia views its overseas assets as vulnerable –

“Beautiful Mind” John Nash RIP: His Game Theory May Lead to Gold Standard – ‘Beautiful Mind’ Nobel winner Nash dies in tragic crash – Nash was subject of movie “A Beautiful Mind” with Russell Crowe – Nash was renowned mathematician

China Creates Gold Bullion Fund For Central Banks – China’s new gold fund – 60 countries to develop gold mining projects – Allow member central banks to have easier access to gold – Gold to be traded on increasingly important

‘Titanic’ Global Economy May “Collapse” Warn HSBC – Gold Is Lifeboat -“The world economy is like an ocean liner without lifeboats …” – HSBC – Four areas of high risk identified by HSBC – Risk of stock market crash –

‘Titanic’ Global Economy May “Collapse” Warn HSBC – Gold Is Lifeboat -“The world economy is like an ocean liner without lifeboats …” – HSBC – Four areas of high risk identified by HSBC – Risk of stock market crash –

Gold Bullion “Less Sexy” Than Bitcoin … For Now – “There is a global financial bubble” – Stock markets and bond markets at all time record highs – Medium to long term, gold’s “fundamentals look very sound”       Wilfred

It’s Time to Hold More Cash and Buy Gold – Bank of America advises owning gold – Markets in “Twilight Zone” transition period – Fed policy normalisation poses risks – Own gold and cash to protect against “cleansing drop in

Gold Ticks Higher In GBP – Property Crash Looms In London? – London property falls most in nine months in May – Falls possibly due to pre-election fear of Labour housing policy – Surge in sterling dampens demand – Tory

European Bank Bail-ins? Banks ‘As Vulnerable Today’ As Before 2008 Crisis – Euro banks no more stable now than in run-up to 2008 crash – Banks in France, Spain and Italy are “highly vulnerable to failure”. – Low quality bank