Gold Essential “Safe Haven” Due to Greece … Spain, Italy, Ukraine and “Bad Stuff” Newstalk interviewed GoldCore’s Mark O’Byrne this morning about the investment asset that is not well understood – gold. The interview began with Nick Bullman of Newstalk

International Hacking Group Steals $300 Million – Global Digital Banking System Not Secure – Sophisticated “Ocean’s 11″ style heist is one of the largest in history – Hackers remotely accessed bank computers to manipulate accounts and A.T.M.s. – Banking groups

International Hacking Group Steals $300 Million – Global Digital Banking System Not Secure – Sophisticated “Ocean’s 11″ style heist is one of the largest in history – Hackers remotely accessed bank computers to manipulate accounts and A.T.M.s. – Banking groups

Central Bank Gold Purchases Increased In 2014 Says WGC As Sweden Enters Currency Wars – Official central bank purchases rose 17% in 2014 – Russia and Kazakhstan dominate purchases – No official figures for China since 2009 – massive volumes

Stalemate At Minsk Summit And Eurogroup Meeting Suggests Tensions In Europe And Globally Are Set To Escalate – Diplomats best hopes for Minsk is for freeze in hostilities – Russia engages the U.S. in war of words as tensions mount

Stalemate At Minsk Summit And Eurogroup Meeting Suggests Tensions In Europe And Globally Are Set To Escalate – Diplomats best hopes for Minsk is for freeze in hostilities – Russia engages the U.S. in war of words as tensions mount

Minsk Summit Highlights A Shaky NATO Union – Russia Is Far From Isolated – Merkel and Hollande to attend peace talks in Belarus to resolve Ukraine’s civil war today – US and UK not invited – Germany and US present

Minsk Summit Highlights A Shaky NATO Union – Russia Is Far From Isolated – Merkel and Hollande to attend peace talks in Belarus to resolve Ukraine’s civil war today – US and UK not invited – Germany and US present

Syriza Defies Technocrats, US Pressure EU to Accommodate Greece, Greeks Buy Gold – Tsipras to push ahead with counter-reforms “in their entirety” – Dijsselbloem tells Syriza it must comply with Troika this week or have funding cut from February 28th

Trade Data show China’s Credit Bubble is Bursting, Investors Pull Cash out of China – Global Depression Ahead? – Chinese imports, primarily of raw materials, crashed 19.9% in January – Exports fall 3.3% against expectations of 6.3% rise – Total