Either join the disruptors or prepare to be disrupted. Disruptive technology is a tiresome cliche, as every Twitter/ AirBnB/ Uber/ Skype/etc. wannabe start-up declares itself disruptive. That the vast majority of self-congratulatory start-ups are over-hyped and derivative should not distract

‘England’s Easter was the culmination of recent events which have brought the would-be great and good to their knees – and knee deep in hypocrisy. Prime Minister David Cameron, after attending an Easter service near […]

‘US Republican Senator John McCain has applauded the offensive launched by Saudi Arabia and its allies against Yemen, speculating that the “conflict will probably escalate” into a regional war in the Middle East. McCain said […]

‘Aside from the usually Congressional lust for war so as to secure their billions in military industrial complex campaign donations (slush funds), the key part of the House’s bill, calling for lethal aid to Ukraine, […]

‘Although unemployment is finally starting to fall, the economy overall remains sluggish, as many Americans struggle to regain their economic footing after the Great Recession. There is one industry, however, that has boomed throughout: defense […]

‘Could a deal to normalize Western relations with Iran and set limits on Iran’s development of nuclear technology lead to a more peaceful and less-weaponized Middle East? That’s what supporters of the Iran negotiations certainly […]

‘It was a rowdy crowd, and there was a heavy police presence. The people were there to protest the construction of a citywide surveillance center that would turn a firehouse in downtown Oakland into a […]

‘It’s common knowledge that the U.S. devotes more money to our defense budget than any other industrialized nation. But just how much we spend is remarkable. This year, the nation is on track to spend […]