‘The annual military budget has been approved by U.S. lawmakers and is expected to be signed by President Obama, but what are we not being told? On Tuesday the U.S. Senate approved the latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2016. Voting 91 to 3 last week, the Senate approved the revised bill, […]

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‘MPs have launched an inquiry into the cost and feasibility of the government’s Investigatory Powers Bill, known as the Snooper’s Charter, to examine how it collects communication data and its impact on ISPs and citizens. The Science and Technology Committee announced on Thursday it will focus on technology issues relating to the controversial legislation, which […]

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‘This is a serious matter; the only reason police could have been asked to monitor the activities of Messrs Corbyn, Livingstone etc is political. Are we to conclude, if they were being monitored, that the Conservative Party was compiling information about them in an attempt to find something they could exploit for political advantage? If […]

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‘A list of targets of Germany’s foreign intelligence agency (BND) has provided some unexpected surprises, a report by Spiegel suggests. Berlin is reported to have “systematically spied” on many of its allies – including the US Department of the Interior. German espionage programs have targeted many states and organizations one would think would be considered […]

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‘You can order, pay your bill and even play games on tablets some restaurants now have at the table. But one of our viewers, Howard Fergarsky noticed a camera on a tablet and wanted to know if the restaurant is watching him. “Is this a camera or something” our undercover producer asked a Chili’s server. […]

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‘A German government-sanctioned special investigation has exposed a “clear breach” of intelligence-sharing agreements—including illegal surveillance of European authorities—between the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and its German counterpart, known as the BND. The news magazine Der Spiegel reported (German) the development on Friday, after having seen a copy of the 300-page report from former federal […]

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‘A German government-sanctioned special investigation has exposed a “clear breach” of intelligence-sharing agreements—including illegal surveillance of European authorities—between the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and its German counterpart, known as the BND. The news magazine Der Spiegel reported (German) the development on Friday, after having seen a copy of the 300-page report from former federal […]

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A civil rights lawsuit accusing the New York Police Department (NYPD) of spying on Muslims in New York and New Jersey based on their religion in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 will go forward based on a decision last week by the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in […]

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The UK security services are to be given the power to hack and take control of your laptop, phone and tablets under a proposed new law. The new laws seek to give security agencies the right to access people’s phones and computers and control them to carry out surveillance which they say is necessary to […]

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A senior judge has ruled that the spying arm of British Intelligence can spy on MPs and Lords contradicting the  recent statement by the Home Secretary. In overturning the ‘Wilson Doctrine’ judges said that there should be no special privilege for MPs and members of the House of Lords from GCHQ  surveillance. Read more: GCHQ can spy […]

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‘A tribunal in the UK has said that the MPs have no protection from having their communications read by the security agencies. In a landmark decision, the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) said the so-called “Wilson Doctrine” was no bar to the incidental collection of data. The Wilson Doctrine was established in 1966 when the then […]

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‘Freedom in America is being systematically destroyed: one police state law at a time – with most people ignorant and/or indifferent about what happening. Washington’s criminal class is bipartisan – in lockstep against government representing everyone equitably and fairly, serving privileged interests only. S. Res. 1705: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 compromises free […]

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‘Duncan Campbell has spent decades unmasking Britain’s super-secretive GCHQ, its spying programmes, and its cosy relationship with America’s NSA. Today, he retells his life’s work exposing the government’s over-reaching surveillance, and reveals documents from the leaked Snowden files confirming the history of the fearsome ECHELON intercept project. This story is also published simultaneously today by […]

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