‘Sen. Bernie Sanders fired back at 80 CEOs who wrote a letter lecturing America about deficit reduction by released a report detailing how 18 of these CEOs have wrecked the economy by evading taxes and […]

‘Greece has revealed it is to introduce a surcharge for all cashpoint withdrawals and financial transactions in a desperate attempt to prevent citizens withdrawing their money from the country’s beleaguered banks. Ministers hope the controversial […]

This Neofeudal structure is unstable by its very nature. I have often examined the Neofeudalist structure of the U.S. economic hierarchy, and the many social and financial fault lines running through this creaking structure. For example: America’s Nine Classes: The

This Neofeudal structure is unstable by its very nature. I have often examined the Neofeudalist structure of the U.S. economic hierarchy, and the many social and financial fault lines running through this creaking structure. For example: America’s Nine Classes: The

‘George Osborne’s tax giveaway for millionaires has saved them an astonishing £85,000 each – while the average family has been left £1,100 a year worse off. The out-of-touch Chancellor’s ­decision to slash the top rate […]

‘The controlling surveillance state is deepening, prying further into people’s lives like a chisel carving its way through skin and bone. Governments have become opportunistic control freaks, centralizing their micromanagement powers whenever possible. Now the […]

‘The banking giant HSBC is today accused by a former Director of Public Prosecutions of engaging in “a systematic and profitable collusion in serious criminal activity”. In a damming intervention Lord Ken Macdonald, who led […]

‘Millionaire executives at private-equity firms are avoiding up to £700m in tax a year using a loophole which George Osborne has repeatedly failed to close, according to a new investigation. Tax campaigners said the arrangement, […]