A strange piece of space debris is on a collision course with Earth and is scheduled to hit in under a month. Dubbed ‘WTF’, scientists are confused by the object but insist that it will not cause any harm. Read more: Unknown space object could hit Earth in less than a month

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‘Alien contactee and alien abductee cases are much more common than you may believe. The topic is still largely taboo in the mainstream, due to a certain segment of society that is unable and unwilling to go beyond its narrow belief system, but despite this, investigation of alien contactee and abductee cases is genuine area […]

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‘Did you know that NASA recently brought together scientists, philosophers and theologians from all over the planet to prepare the world for extraterrestrial contact?? You can read more about that here. India’s greatest writings, the Vedas, talk about ‘flying ships’ or UFOs that visited the continent likely more than 6000 years ago. NASA Chief Scientist […]

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‘Aliens came to Earth to stop a nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union at the start of the Cold War, according to the sixth man to walk the surface of the moon. Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, says peace-loving aliens visited our planet during weapons tests […]

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‘If you’re interested in UFOs, you probably know about the Rendlesham Forest incident, where multiple UFOs were claimed to be spotted near a military base in England. Some people who’ve researched this subject are convinced it was a genuine sighting of multiple unidentified objects, while others aren’t so sure. With all of the UFO sightings […]

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‘Extra-terrestrial life does exist, the head of Nasa has confirmed, but said aliens were not hidden in Area 51. Nasa Administrator Major Charles Bolden told British schoolchildren that he was confident that scientists would find life outside of Earth because there were so many planets that are similar to our own. Asked by 10-year-old Carmen […]

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‘Extra-terrestrial life does exist, the head of Nasa has confirmed, but said aliens were not hidden in Area 51. Nasa Administrator Major Charles Bolden told British schoolchildren that he was confident that scientists would find life outside of Earth because there were so many planets that are similar to our own. Asked by 10-year-old Carmen […]

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