Democracy In Britain ‘Catastrophically In Decline’


‘The public have been slow to the punch with regards to TTIP and TPP, but they are quickly catching up. As a result, Europe’s super bureaucrat class are rushing to implement this so-called ‘free-trade deal’ by fiat, avoiding putting their new corporate charter through any real democratic channels.

In short, the highly secretive Bilderberg-sponsored, transatlantic “trade deal” is a very cleverly disguised Trojan horse which actually allows a highly organized cartel of transnational corporate entities to ‘sue’ national governments and their citizens for enacting any policy that they deem to be ‘potentially’ harmful to their profits.

It doesn’t take a scholar to see how this corporate takeover will eventually erode democracy – not only in Great Britain but throughout Europe and North America, and serve to further concentrate corporate power around a very tight, elite choke-point.’

Read more: Democracy In Britain ‘Catastrophically In Decline’

The post Democracy In Britain ‘Catastrophically In Decline’ appeared first on David Icke.

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