Modern Kali Yuga and the Full Spectrum War Against Consciousness


‘We are now in the closing years of this Kali Yuga. The question is:

“If this is just a yuga and it is all destiny why bother with anything at all and just kick up our heels until the party is over? Am I supposed to try with those who are awake to all of this and save earth, or is all of this inevitable?”

As always it is completely up to every individual what you choose to do with the time remaining. You can choose to do nothing. All that matters is your own consciousness, meaning the conscious state you are in when you do anything. You are the One veiled as the temporal identity-self you currently inhabit, which is like a ‘data-collecting vehicle,’ as we are all amassing our own experiences through the illusion of perceived Time & Space.’

Read more: Modern Kali Yuga and the Full Spectrum War Against Consciousness

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