‘It is refreshing to see more and more of humanity wake up to the functional real-time political reality of the world we now live in. There are many human beings throughout the planet who now understand that corruption has taken over. They understand that criminals run the world. They understand that in America a powerful […]

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‘We all know the story. The man gets down on one knee, grabs hold of the girl’s hand and she covers her mouth as she is overtaken by emotions. The man pulls out a tiny box and opens it up to show off the sparkling diamond engagement ring before asking the question, “Will You Marry […]

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‘Disturbing footage of a teacher at a Success Academy charter school in New York chastising a young child for answering a math question incorrectly has raised further questions concerning such educational institutes.’ Read more: Secretly filmed video shows charter school teacher verbally abusing first grader

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‘On February 6, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that a nuclear power plant about 40 miles from Manhattan had leaked one of the most potent radioactive carcinogens into the groundwater. The groundwater in that area flows to the Hudson River just 25 miles north of New York City. “Yesterday I learned that radioactive tritium-contaminated […]

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‘Award-winning investigative journalist Kelly Patricia O’Meara says when it comes to psychiatric diagnosing, it doesn’t matter what people in the medical and psychiatric community believe, but rather what they can prove. In her book Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills that Kill, O’Meara argues that tens of millions of Americans are […]

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‘Here’s my little joke of the month: How do you spell Pentagon? M-O-R-E. Whether it’s funny or not, it couldn’t be more accurate. And that urge for more is fed endlessly by an American military that has increasingly become the only “option” on that mythical “table” in Washington where all options are supposedly kept. Recently, […]

The post The Pentagon Is the Most Spoiled Child of the Federal Government – It’s Time to Cut off Its Allowance appeared first on David Icke.

‘McDonald’s has introduced kale salad to its US menu – but the fast food giant’s health kick may not be quite as virtuous as you think it is. For rather than offering a low-calorie, low-fat and low-sodium alternative, the leafy green combo actually contains more salt, fat and calories than a Double Big Mac. Health […]

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‘Justice Antonin Scalia is dead, and his passing is nothing less than a legal and political earthquake. It will have a huge impact, not only on the court’s present term but on the course of constitutional law. Beginning with his appointment to the high court in 1986, Scalia was the intellectual leader of what I […]

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‘A New Yorker has filed an angry complaint to Nike, saying the footwear giant forbid him from putting the words “Muslim” nor “Islam” on its customizable sneakers, while allowing such words like “KKK,” “Daesh,” and “Al Qaeda.” In a letter on his Facebook page, 40-year-old Nabeel Kaukab wrote to the company, saying that the word […]

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‘The morning of May 4, 2011, Jameelah El-Shabazz watched out the window of her Bronx apartment as a team of police officers fanned across the rooftop of Banana Kelly High School. The 43-year-old mother of five said she didn’t think much of the scene — drug raids were common in her neighborhood. As she did […]

The post The NYPD Is Kicking People out of Their Homes, Even If They Haven’t Committed a Crime appeared first on David Icke.

‘US Senator Sanders is a straight­-talking politician of immense experience and integrity, unmatched by his competitors on both sides of congress. Furthermore, and most importantly, he is NOT FOR SALE to any lobby, never mind a lobby acting for a foreign government. And that is an essential factor why so many Americans are confident he […]

The post ‘Why Bernie Sanders Will Bury the Clintons and the Israel Lobby to Become the First Democratic Socialist President of America in 2016’ appeared first on David Icke.

‘If there was any question as to whether the Snyder administration was more concerned about their public image or public health, this should provide a definitive answer. Adding to controversy over what top officials knew and when regarding Flint’s water crisis and resulting health epidemic, emails obtained by the Flint Journal suggest that Michigan Gov. […]

The post Public Health Crisis: Emails Indicate Flint Lead Tests Withheld from Public at Michigan Governor Snyder’s Command appeared first on David Icke.

‘Amidst a hand-wringing defence of the indefensible, The New Statesman propagated a common myth thus: “The European Union has indeed brought peace and prosperity to the people of Europe, . . .” Indeed, it never did. The institution that arguably brought peace and truly brought prosperity to Europe was the E.E.C. Colloquially, ‘it was a […]

The post The EU, Greece, and All That. The European Union has not Brought Peace and Prosperity to the People of Europe appeared first on David Icke.

‘The French foreign ministry has called on Turkey to stop bombing Kurdish regions in northern Syria, saying it will deteriorate the situation in the war-torn country. “France is worried about the deteriorating situation in the region of Aleppo and the north of Syria. We call for the cessation of all bombardments, those of the regime […]

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