Waking up to the illusions of our world was the main message of The Matrix. This allowed Neo, the main protagonist, to see reality for what it is and even break the boundaries of limitation. There were some themes of eastern philosophy similar to Buddhism and Hinduism in that our reality is but a mere […]

Tony Robbins recently did an interview with a robot and it’s clear to anyone with a triple digit IQ that the technocrats want to replace the human workforce with droids. The problem with this is the threat of a robot take over, but not the way you may think. The threat of robots is not […]

This piece was inspired solely from an encounter I had on 6/6/20 with a Door Dash driver. What struck me about him was how humble and kind he was. There are some people who just have that energy which changes yours. It has nothing to do with what they say, it’s just their aura. Simply […]

I came into this world with an honest work ethic and a great desire to achieve wealth and happiness, something that US politicians advertise as “The American dream”. The theory is that if you work hard, financial freedom can be yours. Early immigrants toiled away during the industrial revolution because they were promised that technology […]

Ah, how I recall the times when I could go out into the world and interact with people without a six-foot distance, to go to the grocery and take my time to enjoy the shopping experience with the vast selection of goods without wearing a mask. To go to the beach and feel the sun […]