Bitcoin “Total Crypto Breakdown” Highlights Risks To Digital Wealth – Bitcoin wallet app Blockchain suffers major security blunder – Poor tech sees multiple accounts being created using same address – Security lapses in electronic and digital currencies not uncommon –

The EU’s top regulator for insurers and pension funds wasn’t kidding when it warned that the ECB’s money-printing and bond-buying binge was triggering treacherous “volatility” in the bond markets. “Volatility” isn’t actually the right word. It implies ups and downs.

In this riveting unscripted interview with Mike Maloney, Peter Schiff discusses his recent chance encounter with Ben Bernanke, a man Schiff says Damned the US Economy, and explains why the mistakes Bernanke’s Fed made during the financial crisis of 2008 will result

Is this the America we have become? A nation in which oligarchs and white collar criminals are allowed to destroy the economy, use bailout funds to pay themselves record bonuses and face absolutely no consequences, while the growing underclass of peasants are locked

Our forecast stands unchanged; the final up cycle into the 2015 June spike top has now begun. In June 2015 the shorts will run to cover as Gold and Silver spike! The breakout point is the $17.50 – $17.75 range for

If we had to summarize the sickness of our economy and society, we could start by noting that liberation is unprofitable, and whatever is not profitable to vested interests is marginalized, outlawed, proscribed or ridiculed. Examples of this abound. Liberation

Bail-Ins Coming – EU Gives Countries Two Months To Adopt Rules – 11 countries face legal action if bail-in rules are not enacted within two months – Bail-in legislation aims at removing state responsibility when banks collapse – Rules place

The only real information we have about the shady corporate giveaway known as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), is via three chapters released by Wikileaks. Now, the whistleblower organization is raising $100,000 as a reward for additional leaked draft chapters…

Two days in a row now gold has inexplicably popped up and the dollar has tanked.  Today, in fact, the dollar has gone off a cliff!  I would thus suggest that unusual amount of gold volatility we are seeing yesterday

Greece Government Favours Drachma – Vows Will Not “Bow to Blackmail” – Merkel, Hollande, Juncker, Lagarde and Draghi in “emergency” meeting re Greece – Bankrupt Greece must find €1.6 billion to pay IMF in June – First instalment of €300