Illinois is teetering on bankruptcy and other states are not far behind, largely due to unfunded pension liabilities; but there are solutions. The Federal Reserve could do a round of “QE for Munis.” Or the state could turn its sizable

– Gold hedge against currency devaluation – cost of fuel, food, housing – True inflation figures reflect impact on household spending – Household items climbed by average 964% – Pint of beer sees biggest increase in basket of goods – rise

“Bitcoin and blockchain technology enable numerous possibilities to build a truly fair and inclusive financial system,” Kumar Guarav, Founder of Cashaa/Auxesis Group, tells me for “International money transfer, with which we have started, both for individuals and businesses, has

– Bitcoin volatility shows not currency or safe haven but speculation – Volatility still very high in bitcoin and crypto currencies (see charts) – Bitcoin fell 25% over weekend; Recent high of $3,000 fell to below $1,900 – Bitcoin least

A deeply polarizing new president, a disastrously misguided official narrative that the political Establishment doggedly supports despite a damning lack of evidence, and an economy teetering on the edge of recession–and worse. Sound familiar? Welcome to 1969 redux. The similarities between the

– “Time to position in gold is right now” – James Rickards – Fed has hit the ‘pause’ button; No more rate hikes for foreseeable future – Fed’s theories “bear no relation to reality” and has “blundered by raising rates” –

– Bloomberg silver price survey – Large majority bullish on silver – Silver median “12 month-forecast” of $20 – Precious metal analysts see silver “24 percent rally from current levels” – Investors are pouring money into silver ETFs – Speculative funds bearish

How would extraterrestrial anthropologists characterize Earth’s dominant socio-economic system? It’s not difficult to imagine their dismaying report: “Earth’s economy glorifies waste. Its economists rejoice when a product is disposed as waste and replaced with a new product. This waste is perversely

– Bank of England warn that “bigger systemic risk” now than in 2008 – BOE, Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) concerns re financial system – Banks accused of “balance sheet trickery” -undermining spirit of post-08 rules – EU & UK corporate bond markets may