In California’s epic drought, wars over water rights continue, while innovative alternatives for increasing the available water supply go untapped. Wars over California’s limited water supply have been going on for at least a century. Water wars have been the

Global Risks To Irish Economy Being Ignored Again – Leading think tank forecasts strong economic growth in Ireland, ignores global risks – Impact of Euro zone debt crisis and global geopolitical risk underestimated   – Global macro-economic, systemic, geo-political and

Libya has turned into a complete and total disaster zone/terrorist training camp ever since America and its allies decided to liberate it. While certainly not perfect under Qaddafi, it was an infinitely better place before NATO intervention than after. Not only

Libya has turned into a complete and total disaster zone/terrorist training camp ever since America and its allies decided to liberate it. While certainly not perfect under Qaddafi, it was an infinitely better place before NATO intervention than after. Not only

Due process and rule of law have been replaced with “legalized” looting by government in America. Did you know that the government of Iran steals your cash if they find more than loose change in your car? They don’t arrest

Due process and rule of law have been replaced with “legalized” looting by government in America. Did you know that the government of Iran steals your cash if they find more than loose change in your car? They don’t arrest

HSBC Not Closing Gold Vaults – Safety Deposit Boxes‏ Being Closed – Incorrect rumors abound around blogosphere that HSBC is rapidly and quietly closing gold vaults – HSBC are in fact closing down their safety deposit box facilities in vaults

HSBC Not Closing Gold Vaults – Safety Deposit Boxes‏ Being Closed – Incorrect rumors abound around blogosphere that HSBC is rapidly and quietly closing gold vaults – HSBC are in fact closing down their safety deposit box facilities in vaults

Originally appeared on GoldSilverBitcoin There is much literature on the financial conditions of municipal governments in the US. Are things getting so bad financially for local governments that they are considering sorting through your feces for gold? According to scientists,

One of the key points made by Hanauer that I completely agree with is that once so much of society’s wealth becomes increasingly concentrated into fewer and fewer hands, it becomes an enormous drag on society as opposed to conferring any benefits.

One of the key points made by Hanauer that I completely agree with is that once so much of society’s wealth becomes increasingly concentrated into fewer and fewer hands, it becomes an enormous drag on society as opposed to conferring any benefits.