In the consensus view, agriculture is only profitable on a mega-farm corporate scale, and tool-making has been offshored because it’s unprofitable to manufacture stuff in the U.S. But what if both of these “obvious” consensus opinions are flat-out wrong? What

  ‘MIT researchers recently released findings that showed more than half the world would live in “water-stressed areas” by 2050. Climate change is naturally a major contributing factor to this prediction, but regardless of what they cooked up at COP21, while reducing carbon emissions is vital, it’s merely one of a myriad of ways in […]

The post Why Shared Farms Are the Hot New Thing at Gated Communities appeared first on David Icke.

‘The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is dangerously and unaccountably distorting the direction of international development, according to a new report by the campaign group Global Justice Now. With assets of $43.5 billion, the BMGF is the largest charitable foundation in the world. It actually distributes more aid for global health than any government. […]

The post The Gates Foundation’s ‘Corporate Merry-go-round’: Spearheading the Plunder of African Agriculture appeared first on David Icke.