One of the core tenets of Marx’s work is that capitalism will be undone by internal contradictions that would manifest as ever-greater crises that would eventually destroy the system from within. As the global economy continues to unravel beneath…

Why is bitcoin considered such a big deal? Why has it grabbed so much mind-share, and why is it skyrocketing? And why is the cryptocurrency sector going bonkers? The short answer is that cryptocurrency is the first major innovation in money

Judging by the mainstream media, the most pressing problems facing capitalism are 1) income inequality, the basis of Thomas Piketty’s bestseller Capital in the Twenty First Century, and 2) the failure of laissez-faire markets to regulate their excesses, a common critique

Anonymous-inspired activists took to the streets across the globe as the Million Mask March circles the world. Hiding behind symbolic Anonymous masks, the demonstrators are protesting censorship, government corruption, and police brutality. Read more: 2015 Million Mask March

The post 2015 Million Mask March appeared first on David Icke.

With authentic growth scarce, there’s no other way to reap huge profits but cannibalism. When people say “capitalism has failed” or “capitalism has succeeded,” we have to ask: what type of capitalism do you mean? Authentic capitalism, in which capital

The dragon tail of Marx’s end-game of overcapacity and finance capital is about to shred China’s fantasy that the state can micro-manage both capitalism and financialization with no contradictions or consequences. Longtime readers know my one expertise is annoying the

‘Throughout Chavez’s tenure as Venezuela’s president, Washington went all-out to oust him. Obama succeeded by killing him. He wants fascist rule replacing Maduro. Bolivarian social justice ended. Predatory capitalism replacing it. He’s waging relentless economic and […]