Digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are here to stay, and there’s practically nothing that can be done to stop the revolution. Critics, governments, and traditional financial institutions have all tried to slow down the growth of digital currencies

Everyone who wants to reduce wealth and income inequality with more regulations and taxes is missing the key dynamic: central banks’ monopoly on creating and issuing money widens wealth inequality, as those with access to newly issued money can always outbid the

The Advertising sector has now become the game changer for medium scale and established businesses alike. With most of the businesses having a strong online presence, the proportion of marketing expenditure on online advertising has gone up significantly. While 2015

If we don’t change the way money is created and distributed, we will never change anything. This is the core message of my book A Radically Beneficial World: Automation, Technology and Creating Jobs for All. The Panama Papers offer damning

At this point, anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention to the central planning economic totalitarians running the fraudulent global financial system is aware of the blatant push in the media to acclimate the masses to accepting a “cashless society.”