All the gimmicks lenders press on borrowers to maintain the artifice that the loan is being serviced are financial frauds. Sometimes the best way to summarize a complex situation is with an analogy. The Greek debt crisis, for example, is

All the gimmicks lenders press on borrowers to maintain the artifice that the loan is being serviced are financial frauds. Sometimes the best way to summarize a complex situation is with an analogy. The Greek debt crisis, for example, is

‘Now and again history reaches an inflection point. Statesman and mere politicians, as the case may be, find themselves confronted with fraught circumstances and stark choices. February 2015 is one such moment. For its part, […]

The Greek Elites and kleptocrats are terrified of the discipline that leaving the euro will impose, but the general public should welcome the transition to an economy and society that has been freed from the shackles of Imperial debt and

‘Mark Carney’s claim that Britain has escaped a “debt trap” common to Eurozone states has been dismissed by UK economist Michael Burke as “delusional.” Burke says Britain’s debt has merely been transferred from private firms […]

‘But one day last summer, after he disputed nursing home bills that had suddenly doubled Lillian Palermo’s copays, and complained about inexperienced employees who dropped his wife on the floor, Dino Palermo was shocked to […]

Breaking the stranglehold of vested interests is the essential step to rebuilding an economy that isn’t totally dependent on manipulated money and statistics. The word manipulated has the sour taste of officially sanctioned distortion in service of an Elite’s interests.

‘A collection of nearly one dozen of the world’s top economists and other geopolitical observers believe that the world is close to financial collapse, because so much of what passes for “the global economy” is […]