The world of work has changed, and the rate of change is increasing. Despite the hopes of those who want to turn back the clock to the golden era of high-paying, low-skilled manufacturing jobs and an abundance of secure service-sector

Why is wealth/income inequality soaring? The easy answer is of course the infinite greed of Wall Street fat-cats and the politicos they buy/own. But greed can’t be the only factor, for greed is hardly unknown in the bottom 90%. The

The idea that human life subdivides rather naturally into stages is based on our natural progression from childhood into adulthood and eventual (if we’re lucky) old age. Confucian thought views life as a developmental process with seven stages, each roughly

More important than being a full-stack employee is owning a full stack of skills. My longtime friend G.F.B. sent me an article on the emerging value of tech-savvy generalists: The full-stack employee by Chris Messina: Nearly two years after I

More important than being a full-stack employee is owning a full stack of skills. My longtime friend G.F.B. sent me an article on the emerging value of tech-savvy generalists: The full-stack employee by Chris Messina: Nearly two years after I

Eight of the nine classes are hidebound by backward-looking conventions, neofeudal and neocolonial arrangements and a spectrum of perverse incentives and false choices. My theme this week is the changing world of work. The goal of this week’s five-part look

Eight of the nine classes are hidebound by backward-looking conventions, neofeudal and neocolonial arrangements and a spectrum of perverse incentives and false choices. My theme this week is the changing world of work. The goal of this week’s five-part look