‘The Charlie Hebdo massacre may have been the work of an “intelligence agency”, working with the connivance of French authorities, according to Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the far right Front National. In an interview […]

‘Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Thursday compared Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu to the Islamist militants who killed 17 people in Paris last week, saying both had committed crimes against humanity. Davutoglu said Israel’s bombardments […]

‘It was less than 48 hours ago when Turkey’s prime minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, joined millions marching in Paris to pay tribute to the 17 people killed by ISIS-supporting extremists. Then, almost the moment he got […]

‘Following the tragic events in Paris, David Cameron is meeting with security heads to potentially grant the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) even greater spying powers. In a disgusting (yet predictable) move by Cameron and fellow […]

As I was wrapping up my travels in Asia, an extremely sad event unfolded in Paris during which 12 people were murdered at the office of satire magazine Charlie Hebdo. Just four days later, another sad and pathetic event occurred.

OUTLOOK 2015 – Uncertainty, Volatility, Possible Reset, Diversify! Introduction Gold – Positives and Negatives Ultra Loose Monetary Policies Globally Risk of Bail-Ins in 2015 and Beyond Currency and Gold Wars Eurozone Debt Crisis Again – ‘Grexit’ and ‘PIIGS’ Global Debt

Savage Slaughter In Paris Shows West and Freedom Itself Vulnerable The savage attacks on the satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, in Paris leaving 12 dead yesterday shows how vulnerable western societies and economies are to the twin threats of terrorism and