Zuckerberg’s Facebook censors said they had received a complaint about this image and story. And? Your point is? From who? On what basis? They never say because it is just a convenient excuse for this social media tyranny to delete or ban anything that the REAL owners of Facebook don’t want people to see. The […]

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‘The US and France have recently claimed that Daesh, also known as ISIL, is developing chemical weapons but these allegations should be cautiously considered since Washington has already used similar claims as a pretext for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, investigative journalist Janet Phelan warned. Syrian army soldiers patrol near a building previously used for […]

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‘Israel claims that it’s in a mortal struggle with Islamic terrorists … But as we reported last year, the Israeli military has admitted to supporting Syrian Islamic jihadis. And see this. Last week, Daily Mail journalists embedded with Israeli troops reported: Almost every night, Israeli troops run secret missions to save the lives of Syrian fighters, […]

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‘Anti-Muslim GOP frontrunner, billionaire Donald Trump, canceled his trip to Israel to meet Benjamin Netanyahu two days after he realized he put his big foot in a wrong mouth at MSNBC’s Morning Joe show on December 8, 2015. Even though Joe Scarborough, host of Morning Joe, tried his best to put Trump against the wall […]

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‘American officials and responsible western news pundits have had a hard time explaining why the U.S.-led “anti-ISIS” coalition, after more than one year, has been unable to stop ISIS’ lucrative oil smuggling operation. Maybe because they were never trying to stop it in the first place? Via New Eastern Outlook: Reports from pilots and sources […]

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‘To understand today’s geopolitical chaos, we must first understand the methods of instability used by the state, both at home and abroad… The website Aangirfan describes a asymmetric counter intelligence operation – originally designed as a “stay behind operation” for defending a country, but later turned back in on itself and unleashed to terrorize the […]

The post Gladio Global: Gangs and Counter Gangs in Europe, Northern Ireland, Iraq and now in Syria appeared first on David Icke.

‘Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has refused to disclose whether he was aware of torture techniques used against British prisoner Shaker Aamer in Guantanamo Bay or wider UK complicity in the United States torture regime. Pressure on Blair to come clean over Labour position on torture followed the damning revelations of Shaker Aamer, who disclosed […]

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‘The Tories have quietly dropped a crackdown on fatcat bosses who preside over reckless behaviour in Britain’s banks. Labour and Lib Dem peers voiced their fury today after the move was slipped without fanfare into an obscure section of a new banking law. Lib Dem Baroness Kramer accused “outrageous” George Osborne of “buckling to pressure […]

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‘Since the Conservatives won their crafty but narrow election victory in May, they have made other subtle and not-so-subtle adjustments to the playing field of British politics. In October, they gave MPs in England, where their majority is much more solid than in the UK as a whole, greater voting rights than non-English MPs on […]

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‘David Cameron’s hopes of restricting EU migrants’ access to welfare could be realised, but only until someone has been resident for six months, as part of a package of reforms already being drawn up inside the European commission. The proposal falls far short of the four-year exclusion sought by Cameron, but may represent his best […]

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‘Saudi Arabia has announced the formation of an anti-terror military coalition compromised of 34 Islamic nations. Egypt, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan and several other African and Persian Gulf states are among the countries named in a statement announced on Saudi state television on Tuesday. “The countries here mentioned have decided on […]

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‘Almost every college student we asked today said that it is fine to give up their privacy to the government if it will keep them safe, especially from terrorists. Whether you believe in their ideologies or not, people used to fight for what they believe in with greater conviction in this country. Once upon a […]

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‘Authorities have discovered images of ISIS flags and severed heads on the cellphones of hundreds of asylum seekers crossing into Norway, highlighting concerns about terrorists exploiting the migrant crisis to infiltrate jihadists into Europe. Nettavisen reports that an “explosion” of refugees crossing into the country in recent months meant that the Police Immigration Service (PU) […]

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