‘The national police force, Rigspolitiet, wants the ability to track every user’s digital footprints. “Tracking online movements will help them to identify and arrest criminals, as crime and communication about crime is increasingly taking place in cyberspace,” Rigspolitiet commissioner Jens Henrik Højbjerg told DR Nyheder. Højbjerg is publicly supporting Søren Pind, who said last month […]

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‘By now, nearly everyone is familiar with just how massive the State surveillance apparatus has become. The question is no longer about whether or not we are under surveillance, but how much further will the intrusion expand. As facial recognition technology becomes more sophisticated, and the ease of camera and sensor installation makes all barriers […]

The post ‘The Creepy Study’ – Surveillance Cameras Analyze Emotions appeared first on David Icke.

‘By now, nearly everyone is familiar with just how massive the State surveillance apparatus has become. The question is no longer about whether or not we are under surveillance, but how much further will the intrusion expand. As facial recognition technology becomes more sophisticated, and the ease of camera and sensor installation makes all barriers […]

The post ‘The Creepy Study’ – Surveillance Cameras Analyze Emotions appeared first on David Icke.

‘Almost every college student we asked today said that it is fine to give up their privacy to the government if it will keep them safe, especially from terrorists. Whether you believe in their ideologies or not, people used to fight for what they believe in with greater conviction in this country. Once upon a […]

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‘Saudi King Salman has ordered his forces to transfer all the images recorded by the closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras of the Hajj stoning rituals in Mina to an unknown location to be hidden in a top secret data center, media reports said on Sunday. “The Saudi king’s order came after some videos showing the main […]

The post Report: King Salman Orders Concealing Mina CCTV Records appeared first on David Icke.

‘You know things are bad when the government’s own surveillance camera commissioner expresses concerns about the big brother society. We’re used to hearing reports about illegal NSA and GCHQ snooping, but this time body-worn cameras are in the spotlight, with fears that the public’s privacy and data protection may be compromised. Although police units that […]

The post This Politician Is Attempting To Speak Out About Surveillance, But Will They Listen? appeared first on David Icke.

‘The UK is having its CCTV cameras switched off by councils who can’t afford to keep them running, the government’s surveillance camera watchdog said, warning of a deterioration in crime-fighting standards amid the government’s biting […]

‘Homeowners should consider fitting CCTV to trap burglars, the country’s most senior police officer declared yesterday. Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said police forces needed more crime scene footage to match against their 12million images of suspects […]

‘Picking faces out of a crowd is something humans are hardwired to do, but training computers to act in the same way is much more difficult. There have been various breakthroughs in this field in […]

‘Europe’s top rights body has said mass surveillance practices are a fundamental threat to human rights and violate the right to privacy enshrined in European law. The parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe says […]